Enkät från ENFA

ENFA som är det europeiska nätverket för oss med fibromyalgi har gjort en enkät dom gärna vill att så många som möjligt fyller i. OBS! Den finns inte på svenska!
Invitation to participate in a study on Fibromyalgia
Are you between 18 and 65 years old and suffering from Fibromyalgia?
Do you feel that your disease is poorly understood by others?
If so, we would very much like to invite you to participate in a study designed to represent and disseminate the Patients’ perspectives and experiences regarding fibromyalgia.
By participating in this study, you will be contributing to a greater understanding and acceptance of the manifestations, life events and disease burden that people with this condition usually experience.
This study is being carried out by the Fibromyalgia Research Group, led by Prof. Pereira da Silva at ten University of Coimbra, Portugal (https://bit.ly/3FfpkMU).
We know your time is valuable and we want to make it worthwhile. To participate, just select one of the links below and fill out the survey. This will take you about 25 minutes to complete.
For people with fibromyalgia
If you know anyone suffering from the same condition, you can share the link with them!
We also need participants without fibromyalgia to serve as comparator controls.
We would really appreciate if you could, please, invite family members and friends to fill in the survey bin one of these links:
For people without fibromyalgia
English/ french/dutch: https://bit.ly/3qr3iSJ
Portuguese/ spanish: https://bit.ly/3CkAT3D
Thank you very much for your time and care.
Your contribution is precious to us all!
José António Pereira da Silva
Mariana Luís | Ana Margarida Pinto | Mariana Amaro |Sara Ferreira